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United Kingdom
Swansea University
parasite-microbiome interactions, disease ecological modelling, antibiotic resistance, parasites and metabolism, AI for health and disease surveillance, pasture management and infectious diseases
Research Area 2: Increased understanding of the impacts of climate change
We work on parasite-microbiome relationships in livestock under different pasture management regimes and environmental conditions in the UK (South-West Wales, North Wyke Farm Platform/ Rothamsted Research).
We are also interested in disease ecological modelling of the outcome of different management practices on parasite spread (https://www.swansea.ac.uk/bioscience/research-and-impact/biodiversity-and-animal-health-ecology/).
We welcome cooperations linked to our own model systems for diversifying our approaches for molecular surveillance, host health and metabolism and environmental feature characterisation with novel tools. We also welcome cooperations to employ multivariate statistics, disease ecological modelling and forecasting tool to better understand disease spread and treatment effects in other model systems.
The Biodiversity and Animal Health Ecology Group is based at Swansea University, UK, and seeks to understand how and when anthropogenic disturbances and global change have most impact on natural environments and wildlife species, including human and animal health.
We study how animals strive in different environments, exploring their capacity to respond to environmental stress such as diseases and deprived food resources. We approach this topic from individual to population and community levels. Our studies on livestock disease combine field and laboratory work with computational approaches to explore livestock health and performance under variable management scenarios. We aim to improve livestock health and also farming sustainability.