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Nathalie Sleeckx
Experimental Poultry Centre
Research Organisation
applied poultry research, animal health, animal welfare
Research Area 1: Improved understanding of anthelmintic resistance mechanisms
The Experimental Poultry Centre has been previously involved in research on helminth infections in poultry. The EPC can offer the translation to applied research and to field circumstances in helminth research through their own unique facilities and through their broad network and experience in field trials.
The Experimental Poultry Centre (EPC) is the Belgian research institute for applied poultry research.
The EPC performs open and neutral research in (semi-)commercial conditions for laying hens and broilers and has a capacity for 42 000 broilers and 31 000 laying hens in modern houses, The focus is on poultry sector's efficiency, economic sustainability, food safety, animal health and welfare.
Through direct communication with the poultry farmers, current topics can be investigated to address the present and upcoming questions and needs from the field. The EPC has state-fo the art infrastructure and exerienced experts in a unique objective and independent position.